
Friday 2 September 2016

Ben Jhonson

It was the 1988 Seoul Olympics the 100Mr finals. Everyone's eyes were on to men. Carl liwis and Ben Jhonson. It was like a good guy bad guy rivalry. Ben Jhonson  didn't look human and then the race started. Ben Jhonson was already halfway to the finish line. And before you knew it he won!!!!!. He won the gold medal and Brock the world record. But Ben Jhonson was caught taking drugs. His punishment was they stripped off his medal and was banned from Olympic sports for life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how did it make you feel that Ben Johnson was stripped of his medal for taking drugs? It must have made the other competitors very angry to know Ben cheated, especially when they all trained hard and sacrificed a lot of things just to have the opportunity to compete in the Olympics!
    I also like the picture you drew to accompany your story. Nice work Austin :)
