
Friday 10 March 2017

weta hotels part 2

.On thursday me and my class went to Omauri creek and we were watching te taio o tamaki at the river talks.

First we sat down on the mat with some other schools and I saw a lady p -retinding  to burn a fake dead lady that has plastic raped on her.

Then we standed up and walked to the other side and there was a man named Tamiki and he was talking about how the river is dirty and we want to help it.

After that we stood  up again and we walked back to were we were then the fake dead lady standed up and the person behind her copyed and then the fake dead lady she was dancing or what ever.

Then we standed up again /:[ and walked to some were else and some tongan people and they were doing a song and then we saw other contry people and after we went tolunch.     

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