
Thursday 27 September 2018

dmic 2 (last week) (UPDATE) 3

This task was very similar to the one before because are task was another puzzle deejay was our leader and we went to look for the messages by looking at the first one. all the messages were hidden under spots in an 8 by 8 grid. We followed the first message onto the second onto the second one and then when we got all of them we were wandering what letters to put in order but after some time later we figured it out and the secret message it was RESPECT.It was actually pretty easy besides trying to figure out the message.

 Here's a video explaining what happened and at the end the computer ended for no reason but what the rest I was gonna say was we glued the messages in the book in the order that said respect and then we were done :).
This is the grid. Yes I know it's bad.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Multiplication task

 When you go on to the golden question don't bother asking what the thing on the left is, it's just apart of my working but its to hard to explain. Please tell me the actual answer if i'm wrong.

Subtraction task

 Same from last post got enough time to do some maths :D.

Addition task

 Today I finally got spare time to do some maths and this was my first assignment. 

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Designing a sport 2

You will need a Hockey stick,golf ball,hockey gear and ice skates.You can play On an icy area with lots of obstacles and a long lasting ice bit. Their must be 1-10 people or teams 2-6 with the same amount of people.It shows competition to skate to the end well keeping your ball with your hockey stick and you can't lose the golf ball well dodging obstacles.its cooperative ts teams you have friends to help along if one person's in trouble. Instructions >1. Have an opponent or an team to play against 2.go on an icy setting with obstacles 3.skate and keep your golf ball 4. The first one to get the ball to the end wins. The objective of the game is that The players have to have their stuff to get to the other side and they need to skate on the ice well dodging stuff like rocks or broken ice or cracked holes in the icy ground. You have to stay as a team if you choose to have a team you must help each other and you must not lose each other. If one person from the team gets to the finish line they win but if one of their teammates gets far away or touche one of the obstacles it doesn't count.If its a tie do rock paper siccors.

Thursday 20 September 2018

dmic blog post

*sigh* this is our previous work it looks like this because we were thinking of restarting and using a new one but then ... well lets just say that we couldn't use it and it took so long because the text was useless all it said was (here's the code to the message) and it looks like this because since we were restarting tepileo thought we wouldn't need it.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

My move ya body animation

This is my animation an at the start it showed that I tried to make it really detailed but it was week 6 and I only had 14 pages so I had to make it less detailed still they had lots of body parts move able.                                                                                                                                                             

Thursday 13 September 2018

The red ball

Today I red the book for today called the red ball. I wouldn't want to be interested in this story cause of fairy's in it but stuff like  adventure that's in this book and action I like, not much of it though.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

How the digestive system works

Designing a sport

You will need this stuff to play it (20-2 medium sized cardboard boxes, a Paintbrush with some paint, some rope, a ball, a number of balloons to lift the box, something sharp to pop the balloon, oh and also another ball that can fit in your pocket or hand). You can play it Basically anywhere that you’re allowed to play in and has good or interesting hiding places, but it has to be possible to find it.You should have 2-4 Teams with players that can have at least 10 players or under. The game is cooperative because you need to find the boxes working as a team. It’s challenging because you need to keep the ball to stay in while playing. The instructions are 1. Each player has a cardboard box with a painted symbol and their teams colour.
2. Hide the boxes properly plus, if you want, attach balloons to them with rope to make them float and if you need to balance it put a small ball like a hand ball in it to weigh it3. The team needs to find each other’s teams boxes and they need to keep a small ball in their pocket, it must stay with you and if you lose it or someone steals it you’re out.
4.Whichever players that still have their balls in their hands and gets all the boxes first Wins and gets some juice boxes. The objective is that Each player has a cardboard box with a painted symbol and their teams colour plus, if you want, you can attach balloons to it with rope and if you need to balance it, put a small ball like a hand ball inside it to weigh it down. Then the team needs to find the other teams boxes and they need to keep a small ball in their pocket, it must stay with you and if you lose it or someone steals it you’re out. Whichever players still have their balls in their hand or pocket and gets all the boxes first wins and gets some juice boxes. :D.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

My animation voiceover

This term were learning about movement and health and its called move ya body. I have showed me and my team playing rugby league I just decided it cause I play it. My animation shows me and my team getting fit playing a game of rugby league with lots of body parts movable because in rugby league you need your limbs like your legs to run, arms to tackle and to hold the ball and a body in case you fall. It's important to make lots of body parts. In a nutshell my animation shows me playing rugby league with some of my team.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Dmic 1

This is our dmic work and I think we did pretty well by understanding it  didn't get much done though.